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Bank Transfer

MY Integration option

Bank transfer flow

  1. The customer initiates a payment.
  2. The merchant sends a payment request to Overpay.
  3. Overpay sends a response with the form object containing action parameter with a link to the payment page.
  4. The merchant redirects the customer to the URL specified in the form.action field from Overpay response.
  5. The customer selects the bank on the payment page and makes a payment.
  6. Once the payment is completed, the customer is redirected to the page specified in return_url in the payment request.
  7. Overpay sends a webhook notification with the payment status to the merchant. The merchant may also request the payment status from Overpay with the status query.
  8. The merchant displays the payment status to the customer.



Send a payment request with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
request object
* required
bigInteger A transaction amount in minimal currency units, for example, €32.45 must be sent as 3245.
* required
string A transaction currency in the ISO-4217 alpha-3 code format. Must be EUR or GBP.
* required
string(255) A short description of the order.
* required
string A URL to get webhook notifications.
* required
string A URL to return the customer to when a transaction is completed.
method object A section of the payment method information.
* required
string bank_transfer
Request example
    "request": {
        "amount": 20000,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "description": "description",
        "test": false,
        "return_url": "",
        "notification_url": "",
        "method": {
            "type": "bank_transfer"

The response section will have parameters copied from a request. Additionally, you'll get the form object with a URL to the payment page. Redirect the customer to the URL specified in form.action.

Response example
    "transaction": {
        "uid": "e567af49-da3b-463d-bc73-2514cf353564",
        "type": "payment",
        "status": "pending",
        "amount": 20000,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "description": "description",
        "created_at": "2023-10-06T14:12:36Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-10-06T14:12:36Z",
        "method_type": "bank_transfer",
        "receipt_url": "",
        "payment": {
            "status": "pending",
            "gateway_id": 3288,
            "ref_id": "tx_AOvyOzQ8x11HN40u1Gt0rkFn",
            "message": "Transaction was initialized"
        "bank_transfer": {
            "type": "bank_transfer"
        "customer": {
            "email": null,
            "ip": null
        "manually_corrected_at": null,
        "message": "Transaction was initialized",
        "test": false,
        "additional_data": {
            "payment_method": {
                "type": "alternative"
        "gateway": {
            "iframe": true
        "form": {
            "action": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "fields": []

Payment status query


If needed, send a status query request to get the current transaction status.


The response contains the transaction status, a section of the payment method as well as other details related to the transaction according to the description of a transaction status query.

PF Integration option

Payment flow

  1. The customer initiates a payment.
  2. The merchant sends a payment request to Overpay.
  3. Overpay sends a response with the form object containing action parameter with a link to the payment page.
  4. The merchant redirects the customer to the URL specified in the form.action field from Overpay response.
  5. The customer makes a payment.
  6. Once the payment is completed, the customer is redirected to the page specified in return_url in the payment request.
  7. Overpay sends a webhook notification with the payment status to the merchant. The merchant may also request the payment status from Overpay with the status query.
  8. The merchant displays the payment status to the customer.




This integration option only supports INR currency.

Send a payment request with the following additional parameters:

Parameter Type Description
request object
* required
string A URL to return the customer to when a transaction is completed.
method object A section of the payment method information.
* required
string bank_transfer
customer * required
object A section of information about the customer.
first_name * required
string The customer's first name.
last_name * required
string The customer's last name.
city * required
string (100) The customer's billing city.
state * required
string (2) The customer's billing state. Set as the 2 last symbols of the code in the ISO 3166-2 format.
zip * required
string (6) The post code of the customer's billing address.
address * required
string The customer's address.
country * required
string (2) The customer's billing country in the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 format. For example, IN.
phone * required
string (10—14) The customer's mobile or landline phone number. Examples: 1234567891 or +91-1234567891.
email * required
string The customer's email address.
Request example
  "request": {
    "amount": 20000,
    "currency": "INR",
    "description": "description",        
    "return_url": "return_url",
    "test": true,
    "customer": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "city": "Bangalore",
      "state": "KA",
      "zip": "560002",
      "phone": "1234567891",
      "country": "IN",
      "email": "",
      "address": "10 Sampige Road"
    "method": {
      "type": "bank_transfer"

The response section will have parameters copied from the request. Additionally, you'll get the form object with a URL to the payment page. Redirect the customer to the URL specified in form.action.

Response example
  "transaction": {
    "uid": "c4af9ca3-daf3-40cf-a19d-22c501e530d7",
    "type": "payment",
    "status": "pending",
    "amount": 20000,
    "currency": "INR",
    "description": "description",
    "created_at": "2024-02-07T10:04:00Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-02-07T10:04:01Z",
    "method_type": "bank_transfer",
    "receipt_url": "",
    "payment": {
      "status": "pending",
      "gateway_id": 3698,
      "ref_id": "1548e1ca-0d7c-4552-8139-728a04ccd6f5",
      "message": "Transaction was initialized"
    "bank_transfer": {
      "type": "bank_transfer"
    "customer": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "email": "",
      "country": "IN",
      "city": "Bangalore",
      "zip": "560002",
      "address": "10 Sampige Road",
      "phone": "91123456789",
      "state": "KA",
      "ip": null
    "manually_corrected_at": null,
    "message": "Transaction was initialized",
    "test": true,
    "billing_address": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "email": "",
      "country": "IN",
      "city": "Bangalore",
      "zip": "560002",
      "address": "10 Sampige Road",
      "phone": "91123456789",
      "state": "KA"
    "additional_data": {
      "payment_method": {
        "type": "alternative"
    "gateway": {
      "iframe": false
    "form": {
      "action": "redirect-url",
      "method": "GET",
      "fields": []