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Alternative payment methods

Using Overpay API allows you to organize all supported payment systems (that are continuously increasing) after a one-time configuration.

The benefits of using Overpay as a payment hub solution are clear:

  • no need to support dozens of different online payment systems;
  • one point of contact to solve problems and ask questions on integration and maintenance;
  • a combined reporting and back office for transactions initiated through different payment systems.

List of supported payment methods

Overpay constantly widens the range of its services add those payment methods and systems that are most required and popular with merchants and their customers.

At the moment the list of available payment methods and supported brands includes:


No required payment method in the list? Please, contact your manager. Maybe, the payment method is being implemented right now or can be added to the integration wish-list.

Integration specifics

While incorporating an alternative payment method into your resource, follow API integration for alternative payment methods.

Most of the request and response parameters are common for different alternative payment methods. Nevertheless, every payment method has own specifics in regard to supported transactions and parameters used in requests and responses. Such extra parameters as well as test data, if available, are described in the articles dedicated to each alternative payment method.

To learn more, go to the article on the required payment method.