Create a payment token
Before you use either the Overpay payment widget or the hosted payment page, you should create a payment token.
Send a POST
request to
The request must:
- use HTTP Basic authentication with Shop ID and Secret Key;
- have the headers
Content-Type: application/json
,Accept: application/json
andX-API-Version: 2
; - be UTF-8 encoded.
Parameter | Type | Description |
checkout | object | |
transaction_type * required |
string | Type of transaction or request that will be sent to gateway. Applicable values are authorization , payment , tokenization , and charge (for the charge request). |
attempts | integer | A number of payment attempts. The default is 1 . |
dynamic_billing_descriptor | string | Dynamic billing descriptor. |
test | boolean | The transaction will be a test one if it is true . By default, set as false . |
iframe | boolean | When value is true , if possible, open transitions to external services inside the widget. By default, set as false . |
order | object | |
amount * required |
integer | Payment amount in minimal currency units, for example $32.45 must be sent as 3245. |
currency * required |
string | A transaction currency in the ISO-4217 alpha-3 code format. For example, USD . |
description * required |
string | Order description. |
tracking_id | string | The ID of your transaction or order. Please, use unique values for each transaction. |
expired_at | string | Date and time till a payment can be done. By default, a payment must be done within 24 hours upon a payment token creation. Format (ISO 8601): YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD, where YYYY – year (for example 2019), MM – month (for example 02), DD – day (for example 09), hh – hours (for example 18), mm – minutes (for example 20), ss – seconds (for example 45), TZD – time zone (+hh:mm или –hh:mm). |
additional_data | object | A section of additional information about the payment. |
receipt_text | array | A text that will be added to the customer's mail and will be showed on success result page. Submit it as an array of strings, for example ["First line", "Second line"] . |
contract | array | An array that consists of elements:recurring - Overpay returns a card token to use it for subsequent payments when the customer has no need to enter card data again. As for the initial payment, the customer should provide full card data including a CVC/CVV code, pass the 3-D Secure verification, and give consent to be charged regularly.oneclick - Overpay returns a card token to use it in the one-click payment scheme. Overpay opens a payment page with pre-filled card data to the customer. To complete a payment, the customer has to enter a CVC/CVV code and to pass the 3-D Secure verification;credit - Overpay returns a card token to use it for a payout operation;card_on_file - Overpay returns a card token to save it to a customer profile and to use the token in time-to-time charges initiated by the customer or by your application. See card_on_file section below to understand what cases the contract type covers. |
avs_cvc_verification | object | AVS/CVC verification. |
card_on_file | object | It sets flags submitted to a payment network why and what you charged a previously saved card for. If no submitted default values of initiator and type are in use. |
initiator | string | merchant - (default) merchant initiated a card charge (for instance, for a car ride service).customer - customer initiated a card charge (for instance, customer confirmed and order and wanted to pay by a saved card). |
type | string | Used only in case additional_data.card_on_file.initiator is merchant . delayed_charge - (default) delayed charge posted to a cardincrement - merchant wants to charge additional amount above initially paid order (for instance, in case of upsale)resubmission - merchant wants to resubmit a transaction due to fail with a previous charge (for instance, no money on a card)reauthorization - merchant wants to refresh previously authorized amount (for instance, to continue to hold a money reserve on a card for future charges)no_show - merchant wants to charge a card when customer didn't come (for instance, no visit to a hotel) |
settings | object | |
auto_pay | boolean | By default false . If true and the request contains payment_method.credit_card.token , the response will contain a link to the checkout page. Opening the link will automatically trigger the transaction that will run using the provided token. As a result, the customer will be redirected to suсcess_url , decline_url , fail_url or return_url depending on the transaction result and the URLs provided in the request. The webhook notification with the transaction status will be posted to the notification_url . |
save_card_toggle | object | A section for configuring the toggle shown on the payment widget. The toggle enables the option to save card data for future payments. |
display | boolean | If the parameter is true , the save card toggle should be displayed. This parameter has greater priority, than Display save card toggle on payment page parameter in shop settings in the Merchant back office.By default, set to true . |
customer_contract | boolean | true - the toggle stands for the customer's consent to provide the merchant with the customer's card data for subsequent payments.When the toggle is on, the system creates the card token and sends it out to the merchant. Otherwise, the card token is not provided. false - the toggle stands for the customer's consent to get the card data saved on the payment page.When the toggle is on, the system will autocomplete the card data for subsequent payments in the merchant's shop. Otherwise, the card data are not saved. By default, false . |
text | string | The parameter replaces the standard toggle name Save card to any Merchant text. |
hint | string | Hint text, described why the save card option is needed. |
another_card_toggle | object | A section for configuring the another card toggle. |
display | boolean | If the parameter is true , the toggle Рay with another card will be displayed on the widget. This parameter has greater priority, than Hide another card toggle on payment page parameter in shop settings in the Merchant back office. By default, set to true . |
return_url | string | URL to return the customer after transaction was complete. If set, then both success_url and decline_url are ignored. |
success_url | string | URL to return the customer to if a transaction was successful. |
decline_url | string | URL to return the customer to if a transaction was declined by bank. |
fail_url | string | URL to return the customer to if a transaction failed (due to an error, exception, etc.). You can query its status using the payment token and review response status and message parameters to evaluate why the transaction failed. |
cancel_url | string | URL to return the customer to if the customer cancels a transaction. |
notification_url | string | URL where notification about a transaction will be posted to. A notification request format is similar to a transaction response format. |
verification_url | string | URL where transaction verification request will be posted to. The verification request format equals to a transaction response format. |
auto_return | string | After a transaction completes, Overpay shows a transaction result page for specified number of seconds and then automatically returns the customer to one of your return URLs. If the parameter value is 0 , then the customer will be automatically redirected without showing Overpay transaction result page. |
button_text | string | Customize the payment button text. Note: {amount} can be used as a placeholder to show transaction amount within the customized text. |
button_next_text | string | Customize the payment result page button text. |
language | string | Checkout page locale. English (en ) is set by default. Possible values of language parameter. |
customer_fields | object | It controls the input fields for the customer details shown at the payment widget. |
read_only | array | It is an array which may consist of the values email , first_name , last_name , address , city , state , zip , phone , country , birth_date , taxpayer_id . Fields for the customer's data indicated in the array will be disabled at the payment widget. If email exists in the array then it must present in the customer section below, and it can't be empty. |
visible | array | It is an array which may consist of the values email , first_name , last_name , address , city , state , zip , phone , country and birth_date , taxpayer_id . Fields for the customer's data indicated in the array will be displayed at the payment widget. |
credit_card_fields | object | It controls the automatic filling of the cardholder name on the payment widget. |
holder | string | Cardholder name for automatic filling on the payment widget. |
read_only | array | It is an array which may consist only holder value. Blocks editing of the selected field. |
customer * conditionally required |
object | A section of the customer information. Contact the Tech Support Team to inquire what section parameters are required. |
string | The customer's email. | |
first_name | string | The customer's first name. |
last_name | string | The customer's last name. |
address | string | The customer's billing address. |
city | string | The customer's billing city. |
state | string | The customer's two-letter billing state only if the billing address country is US or CA . |
zip | string | The customer's billing ZIP or postal code. |
country | string | The customer's billing country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
phone | string | The customer's phone number. |
birth_date | string | The customer's date of birth in the ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
taxpayer_id | string | The customer's taxpayer ID. |
payment_method | object | A section to set payment methods available to the customer and their parameters. By default, all enabled payment methods are available. |
types | array | An array of the available and enabled payment methods displayed to the customer on the payment page. Possible values:credit_card - a bank card paymentFor other possible array values, see the value of the type parameter in the section of alternative payment methods.If the listed payment method requires additional parameter settings, then create an object with the key name set as the type of the payment method and internal parameters set as described in the alternative payment methods section.For example, for a payment method with the apm type and the channel parameter, add the following object:"apm": { "channel": "ONLINE" }`. Note! Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay are displayed on the widget depending on the customer's device and browser types. See more here. |
excluded_types | array | An array of the payment types that will be excluded from the available payment methods on the payment page. If both payment_method.types and payment_method.excluded_types are sent in the request, the information from payment_method.types will be applied and payment_method.excluded_types will be ignored. |
excluded_brands | array | An array of card brands and digital wallets (apple_pay , google_pay , samsung_pay ) that will not be displayed on the widget and will not be available to use for the transaction, even if they are available on the gateway. |
credit_card | object | |
token | string | Card token. The tokenized data will be displayed on the payment page. |
travel | object | Travel related data. |
airline | object | A section contains airline ticket addendum data. |
agency_code | string | IATA agency code, for example 03 . |
agency_name | string | Agency name who sold the ticket, for example Corel travel . |
ticket_number | string | 14-digit ticket number. Should contain 3-digit ticketing code, 4-digit form number, 6-digit serial number, and check digit, for example 390 5241 025377 1 . |
booking_number | string | For example, DKZVUA . |
restricted_ticked_indicator | string | If the ticket can be returned, the field value is 0 , otherwise it is 1 . |
legs | array | An optional array of travel legs. Every leg consists of: |
airline_code | string | 2-letter IATA code, for example B2 . |
stop_over_code | string | IATA stopover code. If a traveler stays in the originating city more than 24h, then set the field value to O or left it empty. If the originating airport is transit airport, then set the field value to X . |
flight_number | string | For example, A3 971 . |
departure_date_time | string | For example, 2014-05-26T05:15:00 . |
arrival_date_time | string | For example, 2014-05-26T07:30:00 . |
originating_country | string | For example, RU . |
originating_city | string | For example, Moscow . |
originating_airport_code | string | 3-letter IATA code, for example DME . |
destination_country | string | For example, Greece . |
destination_city | string | For example, Athens . |
destination_airport_code | string | 3-letter IATA code, for example ATH . |
coupon | string | Coupon number if it was applied. |
class | string | Class flight, 1-letter IATA code. Example, C . |
passengers | array | List of passengers where every list item consists of |
first_name | string | First name of passenger, for example KONSTANTIN. |
last_name | string | Last name of passenger, for example IVANOV . |
Request example
"checkout": {
"test": true,
"transaction_type": "payment",
"attempts": 3,
"settings": {
"return_url": "",
"success_url": "",
"decline_url": "",
"fail_url": "",
"cancel_url": "",
"notification_url": "",
"button_text": "Tie the card",
"button_next_text": "Back to the shop",
"language": "en",
"customer_fields" : {
"visible" : ["first_name", "last_name"],
"read_only" : ["email"]
"credit_card_fields": {
"holder": "Rick Astley",
"read_only": ["holder"]
"payment_method": {
"types": [
"bank_transfer": {
"account": "DE89370400440532013000"
"excluded_brands": [
"order": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 4299,
"description": "Order description"
"customer": {
"address": "Baker street 221b",
"country": "GB",
"city": "London",
"email": ""
Request example with additional receipt text and without redirect to result page
"checkout": {
"test": true,
"transaction_type": "payment",
"attempts": 3,
"settings": {
"return_url": "",
"success_url": "",
"decline_url": "",
"fail_url": "",
"cancel_url": "",
"notification_url": "",
"auto_return": 0,
"language": "en",
"customer_fields" : {
"visible" : ["first_name", "last_name"],
"read_only" : ["email"]
"order": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 4299,
"description": "Order description",
"additional_data": {
"receipt_text": ["First line", "Second line"]
"customer": {
"address": "Baker street 221b",
"country": "GB",
"city": "London",
"email": ""
Request example with information about the sale of tickets and tour vouchers
"checkout": {
"test": true,
"transaction_type": "payment",
"attempts": 3,
"settings": {
"return_url": "",
"success_url": "",
"decline_url": "",
"fail_url": "",
"cancel_url": "",
"notification_url": "",
"auto_return": 3,
"button_text": "Tie the card",
"button_next_text": "Back to the shop",
"language": "en",
"customer_fields" : {
"visible" : ["first_name", "last_name"],
"read_only" : ["email"]
"order": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 4299,
"description": "Order description"
"customer": {
"address": "Baker street 221b",
"country": "GB",
"city": "London",
"email": ""
"travel": {
"airline": {
"agency_code": "03",
"agency_name": "Corel travel",
"ticket_number": "390 5241 025377 1",
"booking_number": "DKZVUA",
"restricted_ticked_indicator": "0",
"legs": [
"airline_code": "B2",
"stop_over_code": "X",
"flight_number": "A3 971",
"departure_date_time": "2014-05-26T05:15:00",
"arrival_date_time": "2014-05-26T07:30:00",
"originating_country": "RU",
"originating_city": "Moscow",
"originating_airport_code": "DME",
"destination_country": "Greece",
"destination_city": "Athens",
"destination_airport_code": "ATH",
"coupon": "coupon code",
"class": "C"
"first_name": "KONSTANTIN",
"last_name": "IVANOV"
"first_name": "JULIA",
"last_name": "IVANOVA"
Request example with auto_pay
: true
"checkout": {
"test": true,
"transaction_type": "payment",
"attempts": 3,
"iframe": true,
"settings": {
"return_url": "https://return-url",
"auto_pay": true,
"language": "en"
"payment_method": {
"types": [
"credit_card": {
"token": "13dded21-ed69-4590-8bcb-db522a89735c"
"order": {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 700,
"description": "auto payment"
"customer": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe"
In the transaction section response parameters replicate request parameters except the additional one:
Parameter | Type | Description |
checkout | object | |
token * required |
string | A payment token. |
redirect_url * required |
string | An URL of the payment widget where the customer can pay for the order related with the issued payment token. |
Response example
"token": "3241e439f8c87d941d92621a4bdc030d4c9a69c67f3b0cfe12de4a13cc34aa51",
"redirect_url": ""
Error response example
"errors": {
"checkout": {
"settings": {
"fail_url": [
"is in invalid format"
"payment_method": {
"types": [
"must be an array"
"message": "fail_url is in invalid format, types must be an array"