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Request for available currencies and networks

This request is used to get the list of currencies and payment networks available for a payment or a payout through the selected payment gateway.


Send a POST request to with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
gateway_id * required
integer An ID of the payment gateway provided to you by the payment method provider and enabled for your shop in the Overpay system.
account string An account number. If the parameter is not submitted, the provider returns the balance amount of the default account.
country string The customer's billing country. Set in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for example GB.
Request example
    "gateway_id": 1234,

The response contains the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
status * required
string A status of the processed transaction.
code * required
string A transaction processing code.
message * required
string A notification from the service of the Overpay system for merchants.
friendly_message * required
string A description of the transaction processing code for customers.
gateway_id * required
integer An ID of the payment gateway provided to you by the payment method provider and enabled for your shop in the Overpay system.
account * required
string An account number. If the parameter is not submitted in the request, the provider returns the balance amount of the default account.
country * required
string A billing country for which the information about available currencies and methods is provided.
provider_info object A section of additional information provided by the acquirer or the payment method provider.
Response example
    "code": "S.0000",
    "status": "Successful",
    "message": "none",
    "friendly_message": "Successfully processed",
    "gateway_id": 1111,
    "account": "40701810842020395221",
    "country": "LT",
    "currency": "TRX",
    "provider_info": {
            "currency": "TRX",
            "alias": "Tron",
            "allowDeposit": true,
            "allowWithdrawal": true,
            "priceUSD": "0.05963000",
            "networks": [
                    "name": "tron",
                    "alias": "Tron (TRC20)",
                    "allowDeposit": true,
                    "allowWithdrawal": true,
                    "withdrawalFee": "1",
                    "withdrawalMin": 0,
                    "confirmations": 10,
                    "underMaintenance": false,
                    "isDefault": false,
                    "contract": null,
                    "addressRegex": "^T[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{33}$",
                    "tagRegex": ""